News and Promotions » Feasts and Events in January

Here is the list of events and festivals which take place in Sicily during the month of January:


From 4 to 6 January: Dolce Sicilia in Castelbuono (province of Palermo): The excellence of Pastry. Tastings, concerts, shows, tours.

On 05 January in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto ( province of Messina) : Feast of the Orange at the Park Museum Jalari: Feast of the Orange . The event was created to evoke the ancient craft of ” Spiritaru ” and to celebrate this important product of the area.

On 06 January: Fairs and festivals are not lacking in Sicily! Here is the list of everything that you can do on the Epiphany day, to conclude the festive season in the best way:

Epiphany in Piana degli Albanesi : The Church of Piana degli Albanesi (province of Palermo), with Greek rite, celebrated the Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ:  His baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist.

The Ministry of Nardu in Santa Elisabetta (province of Agrigento) : Epiphany in St. Elizabeth , the ” Pastoral Nardu “, one of the oldest and most authentic Sicilian folk festivals, faith and folklore.

U Pagghiaru to Bordonaro : The Epiphany in Bordonaro  (province of Messina): annual appointment with ” U Pagghiaru .” The tradition dates back to the eleventh century. It was imported by the Basilian Fathers that brought the use of Armenia to celebrate the day of the Baptism of the Lord.

Historical Parade of the Three Kings at Aciplatani (province of Catania) : XXIV edition of the Historical Parade of the Three Kings at Aci Platani . The event represents all the characters of the Old Testament epoch up to the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Feast of the Child Jesus of Gancia Palermo : Preceded by a solemn octave , the solemn procession of the miraculous “Little Baby” of Gancia, placed on an artistic fercolo.

Adoration of the Magi in Gagliano Castelferrato (province of Enna) : Holy Manifestation of the Adoration of the Magi. In the old district of S. Cone where the beautiful procession of the Magi reach the Nativity

Procession of the Epiphany in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (Messina province) : Traditional procession of Child Jesus, accompanied by the sound of the bagpipes and the quaint parade of characters .

Festival of sfincia in Montelepre (Palermo province) : Traditional Festival ” Sfinciadi priescia “: Typical sweet of Montelepre with a “E” shape, made with flour and water and flavored with sugar, honey and cinnamon.

Feast of Li Tri King in Canicattì ( Agrigento ) : Dramatization of the Nativity. The performance takes place on January 6. Commemoration of the visit of the Magi to the grotto of Bethlehem.

Festival of Ricotta in Sant’Angelo Muxaro ( Agrigento ) : “A Vastasata of Nardu and Riberiu ” pastoral representation , Herodias and the 56th edition of the “Festival of Ricotta “:  Tasting of typical products.

On  14/15 January in Viagrande ( atania province) : Feast of San Mauro Abate : Spectacular procession of the patron saint with a great choreography of fireworks.

From 15 to 17 January : Feast of St. Anthony the Abbot in Troina (Enna province   Traditional appointment with the fest of “pagghiara” as part of the liturgical celebrations of Saint Anthony Winter in Troina

January 17: Feast of Saint Anthony Cassaro: Annual celebrations in honor of Saint Anthony . An event full of religious faith and folklore. Traditional “Cialibru” and “Ciaccarata”

The 19/20 January: Feast of St. Sebastian in Ciminna (province of Palermo): The first appointment of the religious tradition of Ciminna: Solemn Mass , traditional ‘ Ntinna and tasting of typical products.

On January 19 : Feast of Maria Santissima della Cava in Marsala (Trapani province):  From traditional novena day 10  up to 19 January:  the procession of the statue of the Madonna.

From 19 to 27 January : Feast of St. Sebastian in Maniace (Catania province): Procession through the Townships of the country. Distribution of “panuzzi’ (small breads) “Sammastianu the blessed .”

January 20: Feast of St. Sebastian in Tortorici (province of Messina ): Traditional “Procession dell’Alloro ” along the streets of the City to the Church of S. Maria Assunta. Tasting of typical products.

From 20 to 27 January : Feast of St. Sebastian Acireale ( Catania province ) : Spectacular procession of the fercolo, pulled by devotees.

On January 20 : Feast of St. Sebastian in Cerami ( province of Enna): Tradizionale “The Descent circu u ” trophy votive bay .

On January 20 : Feast of St. Sebastian in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto ( Messina province ): Tasting of typical sweet called “giaurrina”, made with sugar and honey.

From January 31 to February 9: Almond Blossom Festival in Agrigento : 59th International Folklore Festival and 14th International Festival “Children of the World” .

Medieval Festival in Monforte San Giorgio (province of Messina): Commemoration of the entrance of Count Roger and liberation from Arab rule . Food tasting, medieval trade show . Date to be confirmed

To see the most important feasts and festivals of the year in Sicily, click here.